500-550GM / PKT
Add to Cart S$1.20
1-1.2 KG / PKT
Add to Cart S$3.00
Total: 0

Product Description 

Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A, vitamin B5, B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, and, due to their orange color, are high in carotenoids. Plus, they're fat-free, relatively low in sodium and have fewer calories than white potatoes although they do have more sugar. 

  • Great source of B6 vitamins, which are brilliant at breaking down homocysteine, a substance that contributes to the hardening of blood vessels and arteries.

  • Low glycemic index (which means they release sugar slowly into the bloodstream).

  • Sweet potatoes are a good source of dietary fiber, which helps the body maintain a healthy digestive tract and regulates digestion.