500GM / PKT
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1 CARTON (2.5KG)
Add to Cart S$392.30
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Product : CHERRY (RED)

Product Description

Cherry fruit is packed with full of health-benefiting nutrients and unique antioxidants. Cherries are native to Eastern Europe and Asia Minor regions.

Cherries are one of the very low calorie fruits. Nonetheless, they are rich source of phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Red cherry is essential for wellness that keep human stay healthy well.

Benefits of Health

  • Cherries are a good source of vitamin C, with 16% of the daily recommended value in one cup.

  • Cherries also contain vitamin A, calcium, protein, and iron.

  • Potassium in cherries keeps the body functioning and plays a key role in muscle, heart, kidney, and nerve cell functions.

  • Anthocyanins in cherries give the fruit its red color and help protect the heart and surrounding tissues.

  • Boron in cherries helps maintain calcium balance and promotes bone health. Boron may also prevent osteoporosis.