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1-1.2KG / PKT
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Product: Beetroot

Product Description

Beetroot is a dark red vegetable with an acquired taste which has had a lot of coverage in the news. It has been linked with better stamina, improved blood flood and lower blood pressure.

  • Beetroot can help reduce blood pressure as well as its associated risks such as heart attacks and strokes . This is because the high content of nitrates in beetroot produce a gas called nitric oxide in the blood which widens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

  • Contains folic acid which is essential for normal tissue growthFolic acid is cruicial to the development of a baby's spinal cord during the first three months of pregnancy and can help prevent spinal cord defects such as spina bifida. Beetroot also contains iron so is a fab pick-me-up for mums-to-be suffering from fatigue during pregnancy.

  •  Converted into sugars very slowly and therefore helps to keep blood sugar levels stable.