1 PACK: 200g
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Product Description

  • Huai shan is a type of Chinese medicinal herb but able to be eaten as well.
  • It is a Chinese wild yam that sold in its dried, sliced form. Sometimes it is available in its fresh whole form.
  • Huai shan is commonly used in soups. It is one of the ingredients in Ching Bo Leung, which is a mix of herbs popular for tonification effects.
  • Huai shan helps invigorates the spleen and stomach-for deficiency in energy with poor appetite, fatigue, loose stools or chronic diarrhea.
  • May alleviate frequent urination in pregnant women.
  • Huai shan is found in many herbal supplements such as 六味地黃丸, 杷菊地黃丸, 參苓白朮散.